Tips You Can Use While Fitting Curved and Flat Stove Glass
If you are a stove owner, you should’ve known how at some point, you will need to replace the Curved Stove Glass. In fact, according to reports, for the majority of stoves out on the market, glass is the most requested spare part.
So, here are a few tips you can use while fitting stove glass for its long-lasting life.
However, must say fitting procedures must vary among
stove manufacturers. So always follow the manufacturer’s instructions first
over the below, which is merely a rough guide.
● After ordering new glass, wait until the stove is perfectly cooled.
● Remove broken glass and dispose responsibly only by wearing appropriate gloves.
● Lay it on a suitable, clean, flat surface.
● Also, remove fixings or clips and any remaining glass.
● Use a stiff or wire brush while cleaning the door and make sure all dirt and old gasket are gone.
● Find a selection of universal glass gasket materials if there is no specific gasket available.
● Replace the glass
● Replace fixings
● Perform a visual inspection by replacing the door.
● Re-fire the stove back up to temperature.
More importantly, check out the glass for poor seals and damage. Over tightening of fixings and poor fitting, the glass will break with impact. Ensure that the screws, glass clip, and any other fixings must only be done finger tight. Besides, avoid fitting Flat Stove Glass with fire cement or any such compound. The reason is when heated glass expands, and if fixed in place with tight screws or cement, it may crack.
Apart from all, if you are looking for UK Stove Glass, make sure you
approach a trusted supplier. They will help you with all the fitting and
requirements. Good luck!
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